Mythology/Fairy Tales with B
- Beauty and the Beast
- Big Bad Wolf
- Belle
- Beowulf
- Bambi
- Beast
- Big foot
- Baba Yaga
- Bacchus
- Banshee
- Bigfoot
- Basilisk
- Beanstalk
- brutus
- babadook
- Oglas
- Brothers Grimm
- beauty and beast
- Boy who cried wolf
- bigfoot
- Baldur
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bellerophon
- Brave
- Billy goats gruff
- Bo Peep
- Boreas
- Beowolf
- Bastet
- bia
- belus
- Blue beard
- Beetlejuice
- Beelzebub
- butterfly
- Babe the blue ox
- Boogie man
- Bathala
- Beasts
- boogey man
- boogie man
- Boogeyman
- Bilbo
- Big Foot
- book
- bachus
- Bast
- Bartholomew
- Beauty & The Beast
- Babayaga
- Black beauty
- Bunyip
- Bahamut
- Bean stalk
- Buddha
- babylon
- big bear
- Beuty and the beast
- Beauty
- bert
- Black beard
- Oglas
- Bheem
- Brian
- Boogieman
- Barbarian
- Balrog
- Barbarians
- big friendly giant
- Bakasura
- Blind mice
- Byron
- Briseis
- bee
- Bell
- bull
- Bride
- Blackbeard
- bats
- Brothers Grim
- Bellona
- Beedle the Bard
- bard
- Baby
- bluebeard
- Bella
Besede na seznamu Mythology/Fairy Tales with B izvirajo od igralcev besedne igre Država, Mesto, Vas.