Pokemon with H
- Haunter
- Happiny
- Heracross
- Horsea
- Hitmonlee
- Houndoom
- Ho-oh
- Heatran
- Hariyama
- Hitmonchan
- Hypno
- Hawlucha
- Heatmor
- Hoppip
- Haxorus
- Oglas
- Hoothoot
- Hoopa
- Helioptile
- Heliolisk
- Hitmontop
- Hatterene
- Ho oh
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Herdier
- Houndour
- huntail
- Habitak
- ho oh
- hoot hoot
- Hatenna
- hydreigon
- Honchcrow
- hoothoot
- Honchkrow
- Hundemon
- Honedge
- Hariama
- Halucha
- Haxorous
- Hornliu
- Hattrem
- hunduster
- hootoot
- Heatmore
- hopip
- hitmonchamp
- Hapinny
- hydragon
- Happini
- houndor
- Hipno
- hat
- horsey
- hitmochan
- Hapini
- Hatterine
- Hippowdown
- Houndoor
- hitmanlee
- Oglas
- herbizarre
- Helioisk
- Hitmochamp
- Hippopotian
- hitmanchan
- Hair
- hattena
- hoho
- Haryama
- Haspiror
- Hakamo-o
- huanter
- Hank
- Hitmon Lee
- Hazard
- hit
- haryiama
- Hippodon
- Hypnos
- herracross
- Haracross
- hugo
- hooh
- Hooh
- hola
- hauter
- hagrid
- Hondoom
- Hetran
- Hoot-hoot
- Hydropi
- hook
- Hail
- Hatterne
- hounddoom
- Hericendre
- heatron
- Horsee
- Ho-ho
- hirachi
Besede na seznamu Pokemon with H izvirajo od igralcev besedne igre Država, Mesto, Vas.