Weapons with T
- Tank
- Tomahawk
- Taser
- Torch
- Torpedo
- Trident
- Tazer
- teeth
- Time bomb
- trebuchet
- tommy gun
- Tommy gun
- throwing star
- Trap
- Oglas
- throwing knife
- Tire iron
- Takoba
- Turret
- tear gas
- Tool
- Truncheon
- tools
- tomohawk
- Tree branch
- tranquilizer
- Thor's hammer
- Truck
- Tanto
- Tennis racket
- tie
- throwing stars
- tang
- Train
- throwing knives
- Throwing axe
- Thors hammer
- Tonfa
- Tire
- Tactical nuke
- Thompson
- Trowel
- tazor
- T-34
- Tack
- Taschenmesser
- Timebomb
- Toy gun
- Tactical Knife
- Talons
- Thumbtack
- Tommygun
- The knife
- Tactical Shotgun
- Ticking bomb
- tasers
- Tranquilizer gun
- T34
- Teaser
- tree trunk
- Oglas
- Tazer gun
- Tec-9
- Traps
- Torpedoes
- terminator
- Taser gun
- Thermonuclear bomb
- Time
- Tec 9
- Timed bomb
- Trunk
- tongue
- Tiny gun
- Tarantula
- Table leg
- Tank gun
- Tech 9
- Toilet
- tornado
- teapot
- Tripwire
- Taurus
- Telepathy
- Talking
- tree
- Timer bomb
- talwar
- Trench knife
- Tomahawks
- Table knife
- Thorn
- Thermite
- trex
- Tin can
- Tommahawk
- Talon
- thumb tack
- Tick
- Telephone
Besede na seznamu Weapons with T izvirajo od igralcev besedne igre Država, Mesto, Vas.